I am trying to figure this one out. I need some help as apparently my google-fu isn't strong today. I installed faii2ban so I could use it to monitor the logs and adjust the firewall as necessary. It installed okay, and seems to run okay EXCEPT for this one error I get each time I start fail2ban-server: 2021-02-06 18:30:28,128 fail2ban.server         [32124]: ERROR Unable to import fail2ban database module as sqlite is not available.

At first I thought it was complaining about it's own missing module. But there's no use flag for sqlite in fail2ban. So then I looked at python itself.  Sure enough, the sqlite use flag was disabled. So I turned it on and re-emerged python. I also fixed a couple flags on sqlite itself and re-emerged it. STILL I get this error. How do I fix this?

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