On Thu, 8 Apr 2021 17:58:06 -0500, Dale wrote:

> I been trying to find a up to date guide on this.  I'm not having much
> luck.  I tried the Dovecot site but they seem to cater to people wanting
> a space ship going to Mars or something.  Does anyone have a link to a
> simple guide I can follow?  The ones I found talk about options that
> don't even exist.  They are for the 2.* version but seem to be out of
> date never the less.  Even the Gentoo wiki one I found has a part that
> is out of date, says so above it.  I missed out on the squirrel.  :/

If you're accessing it locally only, the default settings should be fine.
The only thing you may want to change is the location of the mail
storage. Look for the mail_location setting at the top of
/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf. Then fire up Seamonkey, create a new
IMAP account and tell it to use localhost for the server.

> I
> think I'm missing the part that I can access it with a GUI, like when I
> go to mail.google.com or something. 

Dovecot is an IMP server, it doesn't have a GUI. What you are thinking of
is a webmail *client*. That's just another client, like Thunderbird or
mutt, as far as Dovecot is concerned. There are a few webmail clients
available, I use Roundcube.

Neil Bothwick

I'd tell you a UDP joke, but you may not get it.

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