Dale wrote:

I can't tell any difference over here.  It looks the same to me.  <
scratches head >

Mozilla/Thunderbird will 'interpret' plain-text messages, so for example when you see this in Thunderbird, you will see that /this is italic/, *this is bold*, and _this is underlined_. No HTML coding necessary. It will also convert '>' at the beginning of the line to the vertical lines that you see, and convert known smiley sequences to icons. It will also highlight links for you, and re-justify paragraphs, and probably a dozen or so other things...

So it is normal that you would not notice any significant difference between plain-text and (simple) HTML-formatted messages in the normal view. But you can see the differences with "View->Message Source". You might want to do this with some messages that you post, just to get an idea of how they really look in plain text.


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