On Tue, 03 Aug 2021 09:55:46 +0100, Michael wrote:

> Anyhow, I recall using git to sync a live ebuild -9999 from some repo
> and portage started downloading gigabytes of cruft.  Presumably whole
> decades of old commits I didn't need or have space for.  I subsequently
> discovered I had to set "EGIT_CLONE_TYPE=shallow" in make.conf, but I
> can't find this variable in the man page now.  I suppose/hope portage
> using git will only download more recent commits?

It does, you get just the current state of the tree by default, it's just
orders of magnitude faster, even compared with using rsync with a local
mirror. And I don't have to worry abut syncing too often and upsetting
infra as I'm syncing from github.

Neil Bothwick

Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.

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