Dale schreef:
> Hi,
> I have ran into this error a lot of times.  I posted it the other day
>  but have learned that a lot of people don't read HTML stuff.  So 
> here I go again.
> This is the whole thing, sorry it is a bit long but I didn't want to
>  cut out the very part you need.  Yes, my rig is named smoker.  :/
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # emerge -v xmlto Calculating dependencies ...done!
>>>>> emerge (1 of 1) app-text/xmlto-0.0.18 to /
>> warning: failed to load external entity 
>> "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl";
>>  compilation error: file 
>> /var/tmp/portage/xmlto-0.0.18/temp/xmlto-xsl.ShHrwX line 4 element
>>  import xsl:import : unable to load 
>> http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl
>>  warning: failed to load external entity 
>> "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl";
>>  compilation error: file 
>> /var/tmp/portage/xmlto-0.0.18/temp/xmlto-xsl.Rpd0Wc line 4 element
>>  import xsl:import : unable to load 
>> http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl
>> Q: I'm trying to build xmlto on my Debian box, but it doesn't work.
>> A: If you get `Attempt to load network entity' errors when building
>>  xmlto, your system does not have the required support for XML 
>> Catalogs
> It wants to emerge it sometimes during a emerge -uv world.  I try to 
> keep it up to date.

OK, if it's emerging only during a -uv world, it's 1) not in your world
file; and 2) a direct dependency of something that is.

Since there are two solutions to this problem (actually 3), and this
information impacts one of them, we'll look at that impact first, but
the three solutions are:

1) if it's an actual bug (check b.g.o.) then you have to wait for it to
be fixed (unless you happen to be able to fix it in the source code
2) If it's a bug you cannot fix, or if it's not a bug at all (meaning
it's either an unmoveable obstacle, or you have a system problem), you
have one choice either way;

2a) eliminate the need for the program (until the bug is fixed, but you
can also choose this if you're lazy and don't really feel like messing
around with the problem, no crime in that)

2b) fix the underlying system problem so the program emerges.

So far we know that xmlto is being emerged as a direct dependency of
something-- but what?

(from www.gentoo-portage.com )

Programs That Depend On xmlto

    doc media-gfx/k3d

Which, if any of these programs do you have installed on your system?

> I did also try USE="-doc" emerge xmlto and it still fails.

This is not a solution-- xmlto does not have any USE flags; all its
dependencies are required, not optional.

However, if k3d is the program you have installed in your world file
that depends on xmlto, then compiling *that* -doc will remove the
dependency on xmlto and the problem is solved (because xmlto will not
attempt to compile or upgrade as a result of an emerge -uv world. You
might then consider removing it via emerge depclean-- but be careful
with depclean-- or manually with emerge -Cav xmlto).

If k3d is not the program you have installed which depends on xmlto, but
one of the others listed above and you want/need to keep that program,
you have to try and fix xmlto (assuming that this is not an unresolved
bug; again, check b.g.o if you haven't-- ALL xmlto should do for the
search terms).

Since the problem seems to revolve around docbook, and one of the
dependencies of xmlto is

(again from www.gentoo-portage.com , piped to prevent Thunderbird
thinking its a quote)

Runtime Dependencies

|    app-shells/bash
|    app-text/docbook-xml-dtd4.2
|    >= app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets - 1.62.0-r1
|    dev-libs/libxslt
|    sys-apps/utillinux


|    app-shells/bash
|    app-text/docbook-xml-dtd4.2
|    >= app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets - 1.62.0-r1
|    dev-libs/libxslt
|    sys-apps/utillinux

I would suggest recompiling the two docbook dependencies, most notably
docbook-xml-dtd, and seeing if that helps in any way. If you really need
xmlto. But I admit that if I had this problem, I'd be more likely to get
rid of xlmto, and any programs that depended on it (or find an
alternative to the programs which did not require xmlto) to solve the
problem. You've gotta pick your battles, and I myself do not need to
fight to get xmlto working.

You may have different priorities, though.

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