On 20/11/2021 19:59, Wol wrote:

Okay, I rebooted the system, and tried to start Wayland. The first log is the output of my first attempt. This hung and I had to kill it. Actually, it was worse than that, <ctrl><alt><f2> caused the video driver or somesuch to crash - I ended up with a scrambled display, and had to ssh in and reboot ...

I then googled, and because it said DISPLAY is not set, I tried setting it to both DISPLAY=localhost:0 and DISPLAY=0:0. This gave two identical logs, the second one, which didn't hang - it just failed to start and terminated.

I'm trying to install and run the latest kernel - the current kernel has compiled the driver and firmware into the kernel, I've told the new kernel to build it as a module and not load the firmware into the kernel, but you've seen my post about genkernel ... where simply trying to tell genkernel to put the final initramfs somewhere other than the default causes fatal errors in the build ...


From the KDE Wayland web page ...

> Now switching back to the tty KWin is running on should show the started window and allow to interact with it. Support for running KWin on a tty is still in it's early stages. Bugs are to be expected and there are known missing features. Please consider it only as a mode to experiment with.

Hmmm .... so I need to be running from sddm or similar if I want it to work ... which will open a complete 'nother can of worms ...


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