On 7/18/22 12:23 AM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
I've been using ansible for some of my automation scripts and am happy with the way that works. The existing implementations for "adding users" and such is tested plenty by others and does actually check if the user exists before trying to add one.


I only use expect to automate the login-process as mentioned in the original email.

I've been a fan of the sshpass command explicitly for sshing into systems. Though I've gotten it to work for a few other very similar things.

The line it's expecting is more then just "*?assword" like in all the examples.

Currently, SSH puts the password-prompt as:
(<username>@<hostname>) Password:

As I know both, the expected string is this full line. If SSH changes its behaviour, the script will simply fail.


Grant. . . .
unix || die

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