Julien Roy wrote:
> Hello,
> On 8/14/22 18:44, Dale wrote:
>> Thoughts?  Ideas?
> You might be interested in borgbackup [1]
> It takes delta backups and has de-duplication and compression to save
> some space. It supports encryption too.
> It's packaged in ::gentoo and you run it on whatever machine you want
> to backup and give it its destination, it can be local or on a remote
> machine.
> I've been using it for a while and it works well. I have it configured
> on a crontab and it backups my files every night
> [1] https://www.borgbackup.org/

Since my drives are external, I do my backups manually.  Well, I start
it when the drives are connected and ready.  I think borgbackup was one
I looked into and it sounded more like a online backup where you store
the data on a server somewhere.  I may be wrong on that tho.  I looked
at several and it got confusing after a bit.  Plus, some were still as
clear as mud.  Why do people link to a place that doesn't tell what
their software does and how anyway.  It seems most think github and such
are good places to link to when it really doesn't tell you anything
unless you want to help develop the software or something.  It would be
like Ford linking to CAD models to sell cars.  :/ 

To all:  I found a good deal on a 10TB drive.  That should suffice for
now.  I might add, it will give me time to figure out a path forward and
I can make other use of that SMR drive.  One thing I thought of as a
negative for a NAS, I can't lock it into my safe, unless it is really
tiny.  As it is, even if a fire comes along, I still got backups.  With
a NAS, I could lose everything, puter, backups and all.  Given I back up
around 12 to 13TBs of data, it could get pricey uploading somewhere. 

I just hope this 10TB drive isn't a SMR.  I googled around and the best
I could find is anything above 8TB is CMR.  It's a WD101EDBZ-11B1DA0.  I
hope that is right.  I'm not totally opposed to SMR even as a backup but
I'd rather not.  The deal I found was for a pull and costs about $110
including shipping.  I looked at a 14TB but my jaw dropped.  $$$$$$$$

I need to look into the LVM snapshot thing some more.  I keep forgetting
that option and I use LVM a LOT here.  Maybe I will find something
between now and filling up that 10TB drive.  ROFL 


:-)  :-) 

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