On Thursday, 19 January 2023 08:56:41 GMT Nuno Silva wrote:

> Did the bounce report you got reproduce any reason/message from the
> system it failed to deliver the message to?

No, just the standard list of message numbers.

> This message was particularly quite large, so it could be simply that...
> 200359 didn't make it to Gmane or marc.info either.
> 200359 is:
> Message-ID: <67f4d690-1005-a4d6-abba-c685fd4af...@youngman.org.uk>
> And is about 20MB big (owing to the attached build.log).
> On the Gentoo website:
> https://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-user/message/

Good detective work - thanks Nuno.

I'll see it it's my ISP who's bouncing the message. After that I don't know 
where to look next.


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