On Wed, 2023-03-01 at 09:10 -0500, efeizbudak wrote:
> I let mutt-wizard set a cron job which takes my password out of pass,
> logs into the email server and fetches my mail every 5 minutes. With
> this I have to unlock my key as frequently as the amount in
> gpg-agent.conf's default-cache-ttl setting.

I don't have any thoughts on the pam module, but I make use of some
scripts that rely on pass as well.  For my use case I just raised the
TTL setting of gpg-agent to match an eight hour work day or eight hour
evening period and ran with it.  Feels fairly natural to "log in" to
the agent once a day at the first use.

Disclaimer: I work from home and lock my computers when I'm away from

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