I remember replying to this, but I can't find the reply anywhere. Did it get to 
the list?

On Wednesday, 30 August 2023 14:59:17 BST Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> On Wed, 2023-08-30 at 11:51 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > Can you point me to that file (privately if you prefer)? I've had a look
> > around and it doesn't reveal itself.
> https://github.com/gentoo-ev/www.gentoo.de/blob/master/Dockerfile
> > > It builds a static site so you can open the resulting HTML right in
> > > your browser without setting up a whole ass web server.
> > 
> > That's the attraction of Jekyll. The snag is that I can't install a Jekyll
> > theme without giving myself wholesale privileges over the Gentoo
> > installation of Ruby.
> After you've installed jekyll, you should have rubygems available on
> your system. Running
>   gem install <theme>
> will install <theme> to your /.local/share/gem/ruby directory and make
> it available to whatever version of ruby you ran the command with. I
> tried it with "jekyll-theme-minimal" and it looks like it worked, but I
> didn't go so far as to build a website with it.


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