On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 10:07:17PM -0600, Dale wrote:
> Well, I didn't but I thought most everybody had heard of it. 
> http://folding.stanford.edu/
> It is a medical research thing that people run on their rigs.  It is
> very CPU intensive too.  If you think you have a cooling issue with your
> CPU, run folding for a while, it will find it.
> No clue yet why it is doing this.  I may post it on the folding forums
> and see if anybody else if having this problem.

Oh... the protein folding thing. Since you run it in screen, I assume
you are running the text-mode client? Just out of curiousity, on the
two boxes you have, did you run the same version of the client? 

I just downloaded the stable version (FAH502-Linux.exe) and have been
running it in screen for the last hour or so. So far I cannot see the
same behaviour you are describing. One thing I noticed, for some
reason the one I am running is loading FahCore_82, while yours load

Anyway, did you install foldingathome through portage? What is the
command you are using to start the process? 

Try downloading the client directly from the Stanford website, put it
in a new directory, cd to that directory, and issue
  screen ./FAH502-Linux.exe
and see if the problem persists. 

Nothing is fool-proof to sufficiently talented fools.
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