On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 11:02:09AM +0600, El Nino wrote:
> i have a 128kbps Internet connection to my home & now i want give
> access to my college friends to it. (i already have two running
> squid+firewall gentoo servers)
> I'm looking for wireless technology to do this. all friends are within 1km.

A noble pursuit, but I doubt it could be done easily... AFAIK
IEEE802.11 is mostly reliable only for clients within 100 meters.
Unless you live on the top of a hill with wide open space all around
you for kilometers, I doubt you'd get coverage all the way out of 1
kilometer. And if someone happened to be using wireless on neighboring
frequency bands to the one you are using, and if that someone happened
to be physically closer to your friend than you are, there's almost no
hope in establishing a connection...

Of course, you could mean wireless other than 802.11, but I don't
think IP over carrier pigeons or bongo drums[1] would do you much good

If you have line-of-sight, you might be able to make do with a
pair of directional antennae set up in the right way, and you might
need a way of increasing the power output of the antennae. Any such
modifications, however, is surely ILLEGAL in most civilized

The long-range wireless guys who have been doing stuff like this all
have ham licenses, and are allowed quite a bit more power from their
devices then us lowly consumers....


> can anyone give me a solution to do this?
> all advices are warmly welcome...

[1] http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20030929-2886.html
This one's a bit....ummm...graphic?
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