Hi All,

I am sure that this is an easy thing to achieve, but for some reason I
seem to fail to get it going.  Probably because I do not completely
understand the logic.  The setup is as follows:

I have two boxen, hostname1.STUDY and hostname2.STUDY. hostname2 has the
printer connected to it via parallel port. The printer's name is
Compaq-HP.  Hostname2 can print locally without a hitch.

I created a new printer on hostname1 and also named it Compaq-HP. I set
the ipp address to ipp://hostname2.STUDY/ipp but I kept getting errors
telling me it can't resolve the address. So I changed it to the LAN ip
address (ipp:// it seems that it can now connect, but
it cannot find the printer:
I [21/Nov/2005:21:55:47 +0000] [Job 44] Connecting to on
port 631... 
I [21/Nov/2005:21:55:47 +0000] [Job 44] Connected to 
D [21/Nov/2005:21:55:47 +0000] [Job 44] Getting supported attributes... 
E [21/Nov/2005:21:55:47 +0000] [Job 44] Destination printer does not
E [21/Nov/2005:21:55:49 +0000] PID 15530 stopped with status 1!

lpstats shows both printers (local and remote):
$ lpstat -t 
scheduler is running 
system default destination: Compaq-HP 
device for Compaq-HP: ipp:// 
device for DeskJet-930C: parallel:/dev/lp0 
Compaq-HP accepting requests since Jan 01 00:00 
DeskJet-930C accepting requests since Jan 01 00:00 
printer Compaq-HP is idle.  enabled since Jan 01 00:00 
printer DeskJet-930C disabled since Jan 01 00:00 - 

Would you know why it can't resolve hostname2.STUDY?  Am I meant to add
the printer name on the ipp://


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