Richard Fish wrote:
 > Pullling a hard drive out of the system while it is running is an easy
> way to duplicate this problem, as it will cause the kernel to enter an
> interminable reset loop to try and recover

I do not claim that what you said is not true, but once in
the past, when I was young and dumb (now I'm old and dumb)
I intentionally pulled out that 80-wire data-cable from one
of my 2 ata-disks during heavy i/o-loading (copying files)
just to see, if my raid-1 array (hda+hdc) survives it...

Computer got crazy for ~20 seconds, spilled out a couple
of screens with errors, but then resumed normal opperation
and even finished copying files without any "hard-lock".
Just marked that one disk as "failed" and went on. 
Maybe it was just a luck...

But I think new s-ata (or scsi) drives support some sort
of hot-plug, so even disconnecting should not lock the
whole system...


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