Bob Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It was never hidden and has always been available.  

Not sure I understand that comment.  Or rather I am sure I do not.

>                        The commands, excepting lshw, have been
> available since the 1970s.  And lots of system inventory scripts are
> in existance.  Many written obscurely in Perl and other languages.

Thanks for the handy list.  I know all those tools of course but
assumed someone would have had enough time during those 35 yrs to have
assembled a nifty script that I could just edit for my own needs.

I've never subscribed to the fool notion that I must do it myself from
the ground up, mainly so that I could smugly stroke my grey guru
beard.  I'd happily save a good bit of time instead.

I'm sure many such scripts have been written in the past 35yrs.  I
hoped a few would have become famous and available by name that I
could simply edit.

You mentioned possibly obscure system inventory scripts in perl.  
So apparently you already know it can be a time consuming undertaking
to dig one up with google, test it, etc etc.

Do you know of one off the top of your head? Hopefully not too

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