On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 00:38 +1000, Alan E. Davis wrote:
> When you ran texconfig did you configure "GLOBAL SETTINGS" under dvips?
> Alan

Yes, I have tried adjust via global setting, all it is doing is
adjusting this file (I think):
/usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/config.ps to:

@ letterSize 8.5in 11in

@ letter 8.5in 11in
@+ %%BeginPaperSize: Letter
@+ letter
@+ %%EndPaperSize

This is the first setting it should be in dvips in order to make page
size "letter", there is another part that deals with the margins that
might be overwriting the setting, that file is according to:
called: vmargins.sty

Acording the the link above it should be:
------quote ------

For example changing this to read:

-------end quote----------

Though it is not the case, the end of the file section that deals with
margins looks like this:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@dflt{y}}
  \ProcessOptions\relax  % process options in order of declaration!

I've tried to modify that section but it doesn't work, still asking for
A4 paper.

Though, I'm not so sure that the whole mess with paper size has anything
to do with Latex and dvips.  It all started when I un-merge KDE and
convert it into kde-split-ebuild.  

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