Grant wrote:
>>hotplug, afaik, refers to not only the practice of swapping SCSI drives on
>>the fly in busy servers but as well as anything USB related, mounting of
>>drives, and the like.
>>Assuming you won't need to plug in a USB drive all of the sudden  and you
>>keep a spotless fstab and have a sole eth connection, hotplug might in fact
>>be somewhat useless to you.
>>I switched to udev ages ago however; find out if it's really ncessary.
>>In the end of the day however, it's not like it's a very heavy process for
>>your machine.
> Ok, does anyone run a udev system without hotplug and coldplug?
> - Grant

udev will bring anything it needs as dependencies
(sys-apps/hotplug-base). No need to emerge hotplug or coldplug unless
you want to. I don't even use coldplug on my desktop system because I
know what hardware I have and coldplug is only useful at boot time.
Other software handles runtime.


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