> I have a system on an Abit motherboard with the Nvidia GeForce 4 chipset.
> There are two SATA disks in a hardward stripe configuration using the
> controller built in to the motherboard.  The machine and disks were used as a
> Windows XP workstation.  Now that Windows installation is hosed up and I'm
> using the opportunity to covert this machine to a Gentoo desktop.
> However there is some data on the drive that I'd like to recover before
> blowing the disk away.  I booted the latest Knoppix dated 9/23/05 and see two
> icons on the desktop for my drives.  One for sda the other for sdb.  I can
> not mount either.  I assume this is because Knoppix is seeing each drive
> individually instead of the one logical striped drive it is.
> Is there some magic I can perform at the boot prompt to get Knoppix to see the
> two individual drives as one logical striped drive?  I can't recover the data
> from booting Windows because it's all screwed up and reboots itself shortly
> after logon.
> Thanks,
> Drew
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
what about safe mode? or an overlay install? or even the recovery
console?  i know that doesnt answer your knoppix question but i deal
with that crap everyday and i have tried using knoppix a few times and
it had problems with the ntfs partitions.  where would you put the
data once you got it? its booted off the cd, so even if it was a
burner how would you burn something when the drive is being used? a
flash drive possibly.  but probably the easiest way to get that data
(sorry to say) is get winders functioning again, get your data, and
then blow it away.  which rises a question, if its a hardware raid
stripe, i dont think knoppix should be seeing both drives, i thought
the hardware controller told it what to see, so it should only see the
one raid device, at least that was my take on it.  hope some of this

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