Hi folks,

I recently upgraded gcc and to KDE 3.5. I have a dial-up connection and a serial modem. I did a emerge -e system twice and a emerge -e world during the gcc upgrade. I then upgraded KDE. Since I did this my modem connection has been really slow. It connects at the same speed but it has a lot of dead time. It sends a little data, then waits a while, sends a little, waits a while etc. I am even having trouble doing a sync because it takes so long the server kicks me off. It does it on most all sites. It does it in Mozilla, Konqueror when I emerge something, whatever. It also does it if I login to my old KDE 3.4 session as well. I don't think it is KDE. It also does it when I am downloading emails from my ISP.

I also did a kernel upgrade as well because one of the packages, I think it was hal or dbus, needed a newer kernel. I copied my .config over and did a make oldconfig. As far as I can tell, all my old settings are the same. I checked it with the make menuconfig of course.

I have also tried to connect with Kppp and the pon and poff commands. I never did get wvdial to work. It does the same with either connection though.

I did a lot of etc-updates during the upgrade. I did make a back-up of /etc though. What files should I check though? What could cause this? I'm afraid that if I copy the old /etc back over some things may break. I know one of the programs made me delete the old files because of some major changes. Seems it was hal, dbus or ivman, can't recall which though.

I use iptables for my other rigs to connect to the net with. I stopped the service just to try it, not any difference.
Any ideas?  Let me know if you need me to post something.

Thanks for the help.


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.

I have four rigs:

1: Home built; Abit NF7 ver 2.0 w/ AMD 2500+ CPU, 1GB of ram and right now two 80GB hard drives. 2: Home built; Iwill KK266-R w/ AMD 1GHz CPU, 256MBs of ram and a 4GB drive.
3:  Home built; Gigabyte GA-71XE4 w/ 800MHz CPU, 128MBs of ram and a 2.5GB 
4:  Compaq Proliant 6000 Server w/ Quad 200MHz CPUs, 128MBs of ram and a 4.3GB 
SCSI drive.

All run Gentoo, all run folding. #1 is my desktop, 2, 3, and 4 are set up as servers.
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