Willie Wong wrote:
On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 12:02:53PM -0600, Penguin Lover John Jolet squawked:
_javascript_ is, in fact, not java.  typically, in the context of web  
sites, java is run server-side and essentially returns html for your  

Not quite. Java applets are mostly run client side, with possibly
a server-side counterpart for communications. 

browser to interpret.  _javascript_, on the other hand, was, I believe,  
developed by netscape, not sun.  they just called it that because it  
has some similarities with java.  it is client-side, like microsoft's  
proprietary activex technology.  Their response was probably fine,  
since there is, in fact, no java in _javascript_, despite the name.  :)

Oddly enough, I had no problems with the smith and noble website with  
firefox on my gentoo laptop...but that was a few months ago.


Also, I can reproduce the error on 
with firefox 1.0.7-r2 and mozilla-1.7.12-r2

_javascript_ Console on both shows the following:

  Error:  document.frm_bundle.heroImage has no properties
  SourceFile: http://www.smithandnoble.com/sn/photoGalleryDetail.jsp?catID=-14150  line 114

For what it's worth, I believe those people reporting "success" might
be trying the wrong page. The website redirects all deep-links to the
front page. 

To reproduce the error, go to the frontpage of smith and noble, on the
left hand side, click Photo Gallery. Choose an arbitrary gallery from
the right when it appears, open up _javascript_ console from
"Tools->_javascript_ console" in Firefox or "Tools->Web
development->_javascript_ Console" in Mozilla. Click on one of the
thumbnails on the right (the hyperlink should say
"_javascript_.switchImage(2)"), and see the image fail to load. 

To the OP: that might also be one of the reasons your bug was marked
invalid. They cannot reproduce the error from the description you

>From my limited knowledge of _javascript_, I can't tell whether it is
a badly written _javascript_ that parses in IE but not in Firefox, or
Firefox not supporting the full "standard", or perhaps the
site-designer used some IE-only extensions. 

I haven't tried Opera or Konqueror (don't have either installed). Any

I just tried it with Konqueror and it is even worse: they display a message stating that
they only support IE and Netscape. Wich means Firefox should be ok.

It does work for me with Firefox
(Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20051211 Firefox/1.0.7),
but the _javascript_ console signals lots of warnings. Most likely, their _javascript_ is the culprit.

As for the _javascript_ vs Java thing, they are two entirely different programing languages.
Java  is mostly used for bigger 'standalone' applications, when _javascript_ is mostly used
to add behavior to web pages (open popups, disable form fields, etc...).
Their names' similarity is misleading.

My 0.02 €

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