Dale wrote:

Well, I got to excited to fast. Mozilla comes up and works but it only let me send a few emails before it started with the original error, again.

I may have to switch ISPs to fix this error. I didn't change anything here since before Christmas and it stopped working all at once.

Now I'm back where it started.  Any ideas on what this error is?

" An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 5.7.1 <whatever email address I am trying to send to> Relaying denied. Please verify that your email address is correct in your Mail preferences and try again."

Keep in mind I can send a email to myself but not to anyone outside of my ISPs network. I even renamed ~/.mozilla to mozilla.old and set up a new account, still not able to send emails. I can receive them though.

If you notice my email address change to something<at>bellsouth.net, you'll know what happened.

I have the same problem sometimes with Kmail too. I'm having a hard time sending this one.

Well, I'm still testing this thing. I'm trying to count and see how many I can send before it fails. This will be #2.


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.

I have four rigs:

1:  Home built; Abit NF7 ver 2.0 w/ AMD 2500+ CPU, 1GB of ram and right now two 
80GB hard drives.  Named Smoker
2:  Home built; Iwill KK266-R w/ AMD 1GHz CPU, 256MBs of ram and a 4GB drive.  
Named Swifty
3:  Home built; Gigabyte GA-71XE4 w/ 800MHz CPU, 224MBs of ram and a 2.5GB 
drive.  Named Pokey
4:  Compaq Proliant 6000 Server w/ Quad 200MHz CPUs, 128MBs of ram and a 4.3GB 
SCSI drive.  Named Putput

All run Gentoo Linux, all run folding. #1 is my desktop, 2, 3, and 4 are set up as servers.
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