On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 10:25:30 +0000, Stuart Howard wrote:

> Is it possible to increase the verbosity of the emerge.log,
> specifically I am intersted in capturing any "messages" that occour
> during an emerge world, for example if 10 packages get updated and one
> of them was python then I would need to run python-updater But if that
> occurred during a long list of packages I would not see that message
> unless it happened to be the last on the list,

This is already possible with portage-2.1_pre3-r1. You can have the elog,
ewarn, einfo etc. message saved to a file, mailed to you or passed to a
custom program. See the PORTAGE_ELOG* settings in /etc/make.conf.example.

For earlier versions of portage, you'll have to set PORT_LOGDIR, and
create the directory. Then all emerge output is logged to here, two files
per emerge. One file contains all the compiler output et al, the other
contains the warnings and messages you want.

Neil Bothwick

Ultimate memory manager; Windows, it manages to use it all..

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