On Mon, 2006-02-06 at 12:24 +0100, Jan Callewaert wrote:
> Op maandag 6 februari 2006 07:54, schreef Canek Peláez:
> > GNOME 2.12 do this for you, if you put yourself in the plugdev group.
> > It just works.

actually, if you're talking about gnome-volume-manager, it no longer
"just works".  Due to dbus / udev / whatever updates, the ~x86 version
doesn't do anything for some users (myself included)...
Iain Buchanan <iain at netspace dot net dot au>

  His honour rooted in dishonour stood,
  And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.
  -Alfred Lord Tennyson

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