On Thursday 09 February 2006 01:14, Sarpy Sam wrote:
> I presented this problem on the forums and have made no head way so I
> present it here to see if I can find a solution.
> I am going to ask a real stupid question here so bear with me.
> I currently have mysql 5.0.18 installed and am trying to upgrade to
> the slotted version 5.0.18-r30. I am following the upgrade guide found
> at:
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/mysql-upgrade-slotted.xml
> I am having trouble at step 3
> Important: If you are upgrading between version revisions (ie.
> dev-db/mysql-5.0.18 to dev-db/mysql-5.0.18-r30), you can simply stop
> the database, move from one data directry to the other, and restart
> the server. This allows you to skip this section entirely.
> Can somebody please tell me how I "move from one data directry to the
> other." I am not quite sure what that means or how to do it. Thanks.
> Somebody on the forums asked if I copied the contents of
> /var/lib/mysql to /var/lib/mysql-500.  I tried this but then mysql-500
> failed to start like the procedure said.  The error I got in the log
> was;
> In the /var/log/mysql-500/mysqld.err
> 060205 13:01:32 [Warning] No argument was provided to --log-bin, and
> --log-bin-index was not used; so replication may break when this MySQL
> server acts as a master and has his hostname changed!! Please use
> '--log-bin=host-bin' to avoid this problem.
> /usr/sbin/mysqld-500: File './host-bin.index' not found (Errcode: 13)
> 060205 13:01:32 [ERROR] Aborting
> 060205 13:01:32 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld-500: Shutdown complete
> So now where do I go and what do I do? I will add the host-bin.index
> file is in the directory.
>  Thanks for any help.
> Kirby

you need to rename /etc/mysql to something like /etc/mysql-999 or delete if 
you are going to unmerge 5.0.18
then use eselect mysql  to set your desired version
check my.cnf is it to your likings and /etc/conf.d/mysql points to correct 
version at mycnf=
start server

few weeks ago here was email about sloted mysql explaining all

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