I have Gentoo 2.6.13-r5 kernel running and have used ntpd in broadcastclient mode to keep its time in sync on my home network. The other day, the system suffered and abrupt shutdown due to a power outage. Ever since then, the system clock gains about 10 seconds every 5 minutes. Also, I can't get ntpd to sync the clock. My command line is "ntpd -A -b -g -u ntp:ntp". I've included some output running the command with the debug switch below.

I've also tried to gain more info with the ntpdc utility although I don't really know what I'm doing. However it appears that ntpd does see my FreeBSD time server even though it's not synced:

ntpdc> peers
    remote           local      st poll reach  delay   offset    disp
=          2   64    7 0.00038 -9.600170 1.98438

The time server is a FreeBSD 6.0 box on my network. My other FreeBSD box and two Windows boxes get time from it just fine. Even the Gentoo box will set its clock with "ntpd -gq". I am currently using this brute force method via a cron job as a temporary workaround.

Any ideas on what might have caused this recent change in behavior?

Thanks for your help,


--- Begin debug output ---
ntpd [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Feb 11 19:19:56 PST 2006 (1)
addto_syslog: ntpd [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Feb 11 19:19:56 PST 2006 (1)
addto_syslog: precision = 3.000 usec
addto_syslog: no IPv6 interfaces found
bind() fd 4, family 2, port 123, addr, flags=8
addto_syslog: Listening on interface wildcard,
bind() fd 5, family 2, port 123, addr, flags=0
addto_syslog: Listening on interface lo,
bind() fd 6, family 2, port 123, addr, flags=8
addto_syslog: Listening on interface eth1,
init_io: maxactivefd 6
local_clock: time 0 clock 0.000000 offset 0.000000 freq 0.000 state 0
bind() fd 8, family 2, port 123, addr, flags=8
io_setbclient: Opened broadcast client on interface 2, socket: 8
io_setbclient: Opened broadcast clients
addto_syslog: frequency initialized -36.958 PPM from /etc/ntp/ntp.drift
local_clock: time 0 clock 0.000000 offset 0.000000 freq -36.958 state 1
report_event: system event 'event_restart' (0x01) status 'sync_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, event_unspec' (0xc010)
auth_agekeys: at 1 keys 1 expired 0
timer: refresh ts 0
receive: at 15<- mode 5 code 5
Finding addr in list of addresses
key_expire: at 15
peer_clear: at 15 assoc ID 33252 refid INIT
newpeer:> mode 3 vers 4 poll 6 10 flags 0x210 0x20 ttl 0 key 00000000
receive: at 15<- mode 5 code 6
peer event 'event_reach' (0x84) status 'unreach, 1 event, event_reach' (0x14)
auth_agekeys: at 60 keys 1 expired 0
transmit: at 79> mode 3
receive: at 79<- mode 4 code 1
clock_filter: popcorn 7.896193 0.000960
receive: at 82<- mode 5 code 6
receive: at 82<- mode 5 code 6
auth_agekeys: at 120 keys 1 expired 0
transmit: at 143> mode 3
receive: at 143<- mode 4 code 1
clock_filter: n 2 off -9.600170 del 0.000386 dsp 3.937744 jit 1.703977, age 64
receive: at 148<- mode 5 code 6
receive: at 148<- mode 5 code 6
auth_agekeys: at 180 keys 1 expired 0
transmit: at 206> mode 3
receive: at 206<- mode 4 code 1
clock_filter: n 3 off -9.600170 del 0.000386 dsp 1.938216 jit 1.639332, age 127
receive: at 215<- mode 5 code 6
receive: at 215<- mode 5 code 6
--- End debug output ---

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