18. Februar 2006 17:46, James:

> /dev/null is acting weird. The permissions have recently changes
> on a system I sync regularly. I can change the permissions back
> to 666, but every time the system reboots, dev null resets to:
> crw-rw----  1 root 1, 3 Jan 20 10:05 /dev/null
> How to I make permanent changes so that /dev/null is 666 again?
> Surely this is not part of some security issue that I missed?

Hi James,

I hope the following two lines will help you:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / $ grep null /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules
KERNEL=="null",         NAME="%k", MODE="0666"

I think it's rather a misconfiguration than a security issue.


Rafael Bugajewski

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