On 3/10/06, A.R.S. KA9QLQ Alvin Koffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Like I said some day Gentoo will get there, but right now it's not stable.

You're right, Gentoo is not 'stable' [1], and it never will be stable.
 It is functional and reliable however.  But you need to know linux,
your hardware, and unix system administration.  And a bit of
programming knowledge doesn't hurt either.  If you can't do something
with Gentoo, it is more than likely because you have not learned
enough about one of the aforementioned topics, and don't have the
patience/desire to learn.

[1] Stable implies that the system doesn't change frequently.  That
definition certainly doesn't apply to gentoo.

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Could you please stop spamming us with your .sig?  I never bothered to
respond to your original postings because of this.


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