On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 16:58 +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 09:43:53 -0700, Joseph wrote:
> > Good try, thank. But the output is the same, I got only about 846MB out
> > of 4.7Gb DVD and it stopped with Input/output error
> Is it the same place on every disc?


I've tried the same command 
dd conv=noerror if=/dev/cdroms/cdrom0 of=family.iso
on x86 (different machine) and I was able to copy 2.6Gb to iso file; so
it stopped in different location.

However, in one of your previous email you suggested I try:
# mkisofs -o mydvd.iso /mnt/dvdr/
so I did and the system stopped (on amd64 machine) with Input/output
error. can not read from '/mnt/dvdr/video_ts/vts_01_0.bup'
Following you suggestion 
Just to flog a dead horse, I suspect that there is indeed some error on
the dvd and that it is in the file video_ts/vts_01_0.bup

It may be that the error is insufficient to matter on playback (after
all, whats a few frames of video between friends, the eye hardly notices
it ), but when the computer actually needs a bitwise copy it barfs?
---end qutoe---

That was good suggestion, so I rebooted the amd64-machine (just to make
sure not process is left running from previous operations), mounted the
# mount /dev/hdc /mnt/dvdr  and I've tried to copy that file
'video_ts/vts_01_0.bup' and I could not, I got Input/output error.  
# cp: reading /mnt/dvdr/video_ts/vts_01_0.bup': Input/output error

However, when I repeated the same process on x86-machine it copied just
# cp /mnt/cdrom/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.BUP .
# ll
total 2759652
-r--r--r--  1 root root     126976 Mar 16 10:34 VTS_01_0.BUP
It copies the same file without any problem 

The strange part is that when I mount the same DVD in amd64-machine all
directory and files are listed in small letters (and I know they should
be all CAPS).
# ll /mnt/cdrom/video_ts/
total 4211042
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root root      12288 Jan 27 12:37 video_ts.bup
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root root      12288 Jan 27 12:37 video_ts.ifo
-r-xr-xr-x  1  root root   114688 Jan 27 12:37 video_ts.bob
-r-xr-xr-x  1  root root   126976 Jan 27 12:33 vts_01_0.bup

But when I mount the same DVD on x86-machine it list the directory and
files in CAPS as it should
# ll /mnt/cdrom/VIDEO_TS/
total 4211042
-r--r--r--  1 4294967295 4294967295      12288 Jan 27 12:37 VIDEO_TS.BUP
-r--r--r--  1 4294967295 4294967295      12288 Jan 27 12:37 VIDEO_TS.IFO
-r--r--r--  1 4294967295 4294967295     114688 Jan 27 12:37 VIDEO_TS.VOB
-r--r--r--  1 4294967295 4294967295     126976 Jan 27 12:33 VTS_01_0.BUP

Though, I don't see what difference it could make, but why one machine
list the files and directories in small letter and the other one in

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