have you checked if the horizontal and vertical frequencies are
right?? According to the page
http://www.pricelist.lv/product/0/25974/2/3/ it would be H: 30 - 83kHz
and V: 56 - 75Hz.
Are you using the DVI output?

But this is just a guess of your problem, could you be more specific,
like sending the conf file and the error it produces??


On 3/22/06, Stefán István <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello List!
> Please somebody help me to set up my monitor to 1280x1024 resolution!
> I bought an LG L1730P lcd monitor and I can only use it in 800x600 resolution.
> I'm using xorg.conf file that was created with the X -configure command.
> I tried to boot with knoppix, it starts X in 1024x768. Then I tried to copy
> from it's XF86Config4 file the resolution related lines to Gentoo, but in
> Gentoo the same settings doesn't work.
> Thank you,
> Istvan Stefan
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Luiz Carlos Guidolin                          Aluno de Mestrado
Lab. de Física de Plasmas - TOKAMAK TCABR - IFUSP

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