> From:: "Michael Crute" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] How to tar?
> Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 12:32:55 -0500

> In that case I would create /usr on one filesystem and /portage on
> another partition then create /usr/portage and mount /portage to it
> then untar your file. It should look like this:
> /dev/hdx1 (/usr)
> /dev/hdx2 (/portage)
> /usr/portage -> /portage
> Seems to be the most straightforward way of doing it to me.

Cool!  As things currently are gentoo_usr.tgz is in /dev/hda2, which is 
destined to house the /usr/portage directory.  /dev/hda2 is a 4.0G partition 
with only 74M available.  My /usr is more than 3.9G large.  /dev/hda3 will have 
the rest of the filesystem (and the remaining /usr directory).

What should I run to untar the rest of /usr (excluding /usr/portage) into 
/dev/hda3 and at the same time delete it from within the gentoo_usr.tgz 
archive, so that I get some space in /dev/hda2 to untar /usr/portage?  Really, 
what I think is needed here is untarring of the archive, while untarred data is 
dynamically deleted immediately after untarred to make space for more data to 
be untarred . . . do I make sense?

Lycos iQ - show what you knoW: iq.lycos.co.uk

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