Hi Matthias,

Thank you for your tipp, I'll check it.
I also checked ekiga, which is like gnomemeeting, but different ebuild,
downloadable from the site.

I tried this: esearch phone
there are several packages, really nice :)


Matthias Bethke wrote:
> Hi Pongracz,
> on Wednesday, 2006-03-22 at 20:29:36, you wrote:
>> Question is, why other guys do not start a real open source project to
>> make a phone application?
> Another one that has been in portage for a few weeks: net-im/wengophone
> My experience is that the sound quality isn't quite as good as Skype's
> and it can't do conferences (yet?) but OTOH it kinda supports webcams
> which Skype's Linux version doesn't. "Kinda" because it's not quite
> stable yet, once in a while it locks up or fails to display the other
> sides's image, and it uses an awful lot of CPU, but at least it's there.
> cheers!
>       Matthias

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