On 3/29/06, Mike Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you sure that it was a Pentium M and not a Pentium4-M or just the

It's ID is a Pentium-M Ultra-Low Voltage 1.0GHz Processor.  It's
basically whatever you'll find in the IBM X40 type 2386-1CU.  My
serial # is KV-AC277.  Proud owner of a IBM.  It's built like a rock -
I love it.  It's survived my backpack.  Isn't that amazing?  It's the
first device in recorded history to do that!

> p4s?  There is a signicant difference.  With all the benchmarks I've
> seen, the Pentium Ms beat all the other processors in terms of power
> consumption and heat and in a lot of cases, performance.  it even
> outdoes the P4s and the FX series amds.  Tomshardware even has

Turions are really good, though I'm not totally certain of the
veracity of the testers.  Things also vary from test to test, so it's
totally possible that what I have now is cooler and less-power-hungry
than a Turion.  However, start comparing the ratio of heat to speed
and power to speed, and the Turion slaughters the Pentium Ms.

> benchmarks claiming such a thing (which is odd since they're usually
> anti-intel).  It is after all, a souped up P3 which allows it to have a
> faster clock speed than the p4s even when running with fewer ghz.

I have one.  They suck for doing number crunching.  I have an
Athlon64.  It kicks total butt.  The Turion64 is really just a scaled
down Athlon64.  The new Turion64 X2s are just scaled down Athlon64
X2s.  AMD just takes a bit longer to make their dual-core stuff
because they load it up with all kinds of goodies that make it go
faster without clocking it up.
========== GCv3.12 ==========
GCS d-(++) s+: a? C++ UL+>++++ P+
L++ E--- W+(+++) N++ o? K? w--- O? M+
V? PS- PE+ Y-(--) PGP- t+++ 5? X R tv-- b+
                DI+++ D+ G e* h- !r !y
========= END GCv3.12 ========

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