On 3/29/06, Richard Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/29/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How soon do you think we'll see laptops with the Dual Core Turion64?
> Summer.  Got to have them out in time for back-to-school purchasing, right?
> >
> > Elsewhere (perhaps on this list on a different topic) someone
> > recommended not buying anything except for 64 bits (either AMD or Intel)
> > from now on. Do you agree, in particular regarding laptops?
> No, but others are going to disagree with me!
> Nobody is currently producing laptops that can have over 4G of memory
> (in fact, 2G is the max today in a laptop).  And for my AMD desktop at

www.alienware.com  I beg to differ.  I could have sworn I saw a laptop
with more than 2G...  where was it... wow!  You appear to be right! 
Darn.. I could have SWORN I saw something with > 2G...

> home, I don't see much difference between 64 and 32-bit programs.  The
> programs I am most interested in running fast are compression,
> encryption, media encoding, and the like...standard desktop type uses.

There is a big difference.  You most likely aren't running with
software compiled for 64-bit, or software that wasn't designed to take
advantage of 64-bit, rather targeting 32-bit and just praying the
compiler helps with the 64-bit part.  It gets a bit technical, but
there is a big difference between something made from the ground up as
64-bit versus something that was made 32-bit and just recompiled

>  Some things are slightly faster in 32-bit, some things are slightly
> faster in 64-bit, but neither mode seems to have a definitive
> advantage.

Yes, with the unfairness of the compiler, that is true.  It's a lot
like if you had a car that could go 200MPH.  Your driver may only hit
80MPH (the 32-bit code on a 64-bit chip), but then you get a driver
trained for 200MPH driving, and then he actually hits 200MPH (the
64-bit code).

It's like the good data in good data out / bad data in bad data out theory.

> So unless and until you require more memory or specific applications,
> I don't think you need to worry about 64-bit.

Well, I think we must include bragging rights into our deliberation. 
That's a major part of it, too.  Even though some people may never use
more than a whole MHz of their PC, they still like to brag ; )

PS: I'm not one of them.  If there were a law against computer abuse,
I'd be locked up for life - It pains me to see a CPU idling.

> -Richard
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

========== GCv3.12 ==========
GCS d-(++) s+: a? C++ UL+>++++ P+
L++ E--- W+(+++) N++ o? K? w--- O? M+
V? PS- PE+ Y-(--) PGP- t+++ 5? X R tv-- b+
                DI+++ D+ G e* h- !r !y
========= END GCv3.12 ========

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