On 3/31/06, b.n. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can just nano /etc/fstab and add /dev/sda1?
> Not only you can: you actually have to! :)
> Check the Gentoo handbook for details. When I did install Gentoo (in
> december 2004), I had to write *all* my fstab by hand, I don't know if
> now it's different.

Well, the automated installer did most of it for me, so I never got
the exposure to it.

> > I thought fstab was
> > generated by the machine or something, and that it isn't a terribly
> > good idea to edit it.
> A fstab file is ususally generated by the operating system installer,
> but, being it a plain text configuration file, it is thought to be
> editable by root. It has a pretty straightforward syntaxis.

Yeah, didn't take too long for me to figure out how to word what I
wanted.  Only a few tries and one reboot (don't ask).

> The machine-generated thing you shouldn't touch, instead, is /etc/mtab.
> This one contains the *current* state of mounted devices.

Okay.  That makes sense.

> > I don't have a /mnt directory.  Should I just create one?
> Well, you have to create an empty directory to use as a mountpoint. I
> create them inside a /mnt directory, but that's just "historical habit".
> Many distro I see around now use /media as a root directory for
> removable media mountpoints. Nothing stops you from using
> /home/sauron/whatever, although I feel symlinks are a cleaner way to
> access mount points from your home...

I made /mnt/sda1, 'cuz that's what I used about 4 years ago on a Red
Hat Linux box.  It was really messing me up with all this /media stuff
when I used Kubuntu.

> > No, I had to manually create a mount point via the GUI and then enable
> > the thing and all this stuff.  Then KDE just looked at /media and
> > slapped that on my desktop.  I mounted my windows partition (back when
> > I had one) on /media so that I could have that on my desktop too.
> That's the same of writing on the fstab, but managed by a gui instead of
> done by hand (editing fstab is really easy once you manage the logic of it).

Yeah, I can now see what the GUI did.  From my experience with Qt I
can safely say it was harder to make the GUI than to do it by hand.

========== GCv3.12 ==========
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========= END GCv3.12 ========

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