On Sunday 02 April 2006 21:06, Sven Köhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about '[gentoo-user]  traffic shaping':
> Is there any application or script that is easy to configure and does
> all the necessary things to shape my DSL traffic?

Not at this time.

However, it's actually fairly easy to throw something together with HTB 
that works fairly well.  If you are only matching on protocol (TCP or UDP) 
and (source or destination) (IP or port) a custom iproute2 script will not 
be that hard.

tc qdisc created your root HTB(s); tc class creates your child/sibling HTBs 
[classes under the same qdisc can swap bandwidth]; tc filter decides what 
classes receive packets.

Hit the TLDP Advanced Routing HOWTO and just hit the parts about HTB and tc 
filter.  Then, go to the HTB site and read the user documentation there.  
Then come back and read the tc filter stuff again -- expect to learn a 
little to a lot about how a packet looks be it IP, TCP, or UDP.

Write some scripts and experiment, you won't get it perfect the first time 
but after a little bit of work you'll find your browsing experience much 
better.  Your filtering policies won't match mine, so it's hard to give a 
single script.  I find it works best to load up your connection then start 
experimenting with a network monitor in another window -- you'll be able 
to see changes quickly and (at least with HTB) you won't drop packets just 
because you were changing settings.

When it comes down to it, if you are killing your upstream /something/ is 
going to suffer, tc just lets you put the pain where you want it; if you 
regularly saturate your upstream, buy fatter pipes.  TC WILL NOT HELP AN 
OVERLOADED DOWNSTREAM since it has no control over what packets are sent 
to you.

If your requirements are fairly simple, send it my way and I'll try to 
write out a script for you; I know I need more practice.

"If there's one thing we've established over the years,
it's that the vast majority of our users don't have the slightest
clue what's best for them in terms of package stability."
-- Gentoo Developer Ciaran McCreesh

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