On 4/24/06, Michael J. Barillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've removed Apache from my system (using `emerge -C') in order to use a
> version I've compiled/installed to /usr/local.  My world file has no
> traces of apache, php, apr or apr-util, nor can I see anything in there
> that should require Apache be installed.  `equery depends apache'
> reports nothing, yet when I run `emerge -pvuD world', emerge wants to
> re-install Apache, PHP and everything else I've removed.
> Am I correct that `equery depends apache' should list the packages that
> require Apache?  If that's the case, then is there something cached or
> in another file that makes Gentoo think it needs to re-install Apache?
> thx -
> --
> Michael J. Barillier   ///   http://www.blackwolfinfosys.net/~blackwolf/
> .O.  |  ``Experience with many protocols has shown that protocols with
> ..O  |  few options tend towards ubiquity, whereas protocols with many
> OOO  |  options tend towards obscurity.''  -- RFC 2821
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Use the --tree option of emerge to see wich package is pulling apache.
Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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