Pawel K wrote on 09/05/06 17:28:

>>Does composing the Polish characters work for you
>>under applications such as Mozilla Thunderbird?
>>What specific Polish characters are you missing, and
>>how do normally compose them?

It sounds as if you want to be able to produce accented characters such
as ÁÉÍÓÚ áéíóú ÀÈÌÒÙ àèìòù ÄËÏÖÜ äëïöü.  Am I right in this assumption?

> Unfortunately I can't type Polish charecters under
> mozilla as well (tried both pl_PL and pl_PL.utf8). I
> expect to use right ALT + <character> e.g. right ALT +
> o should result with "ó" and now it results with just
> "o" both in Mozilla and OpenOffice. Left ALT + o opens
> F'o'rmat menu under OpenOffice.

Unfortunately, I don't know how much the Polish keyboard differs from
the us_intl layout. This might be a stupid suggestion, but try defining
your keyboard XkbLayout as us_intl.

Using the us_intl XkbLayout, typing the accented characters you want
works by hitting a quote ' and o to produce ó, without needing AltGr
(right Alt) pressed.  Hitting ` and o produces an ò, " and o produces ö,
 all without AltGr pressed.  To produce a single ' or " you need to hit
' or " followed by a space.

For some strange reason, on my system OpenOffice seems to need the
locale set to utf8 to work properly with international keyboard layouts.
Without it, the ' and " keys are dead,  working only with AltGr pressed.

I don't understand why, but since I changed my locale to en_US.utf8, the
quote keys and Open Office work perfectly.

> While configuring xorg with xorgconfig I've chosen the
> following options:

> Please answer the following question with either 'y'
> or 'n'. Do you want to select additional XKB options
> (group switcher, group indicator, etc.)? y

> Group Shift/Lock behavior:
> 1  Right Alt key switches group while pressed        

I have none of these options set in my xorg.conf, just XkbLayout set to
us_intl, nothing specified for (no)deadkeys or group switching either.

You could try this in your xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Keyboard0"
        Driver          "kbd"
        Option          "AutoRepeat"    "500 30"
        Option          "CoreKeyboard"
        Option          "XkbModel"      "pc105"
        Option          "XkbLayout"     "us_intl"

After restarting X, try this from a xterm command prompt:

LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 oowriter2

Try this, and let us know if this lets you to enter accented characters
in Open Office.

With or without LC_ALL specified, you should be able to enter accented
characters in Mozilla Thunderbird too with XkbLayout set to us_intl.

Cheers, Dave
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