On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 11:06:09PM -0500, Penguin Lover Jeremy Olexa squawked:
> Hello,
> I am wondering how any of you limit transfer speeds on a specific
> protocol. I do not need any server type applications for managing a
> network, I just need a method to limit something like HTTP traffic or
> SSH traffic on my box only so I don't use up our entire connection that
> is shared with 4 other guys in the house. There is surprisingly little
> information about doing this (that I could find).

There once was a program in portage call net-misc/trickle, I used to use it
for bittorrent downloads to throttle download speeds across multiple
instances. It had not been updated since 2003 and so was dropped from
portage (which is a shame, since it is probably the only program of
its kind). Its home page is

Other than that, you probably would need to think about stuff like
iproute2 with tcng... do a search on packages.gentoo.org for "traffic
control" or "packet shaping". 

I remember walking to school through the snow,
uphill both ways, in my bare feet. Oh, now wait...
never mind, that was my father.
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