At Thu, 25 May 2006 10:40:26 +0000 Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Allan Gottlieb wrote:
>> You have to do experiments.  It depends heavily on your application
>> mix.
> Yes, that would be the best, but I'm wondering how, because e.g. "time
> bzip2 -9 foobar" wouldn't be helpfull. So now I've switched to "-Os"
> and soon I can test, if it's a real difference.

Please report back your findings, including the application mix you
tested.  Although "scientific" timed benchmarks are important, I would
also be interested in how the system feels.  For the latter ("feels"),
you should qualitatively describe the use of the system (web server,
desktop, laptop, etc) and what you commonly run (program devel, games,
scientific/engineering apps, etc).

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