On 5/26/06, Matthias Langer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 10:04 +0800, fei huang wrote:
>         I have seen wierd problems with binary packages. Have you
>         tried
>         compiling firefox from source yet?
>         - --
>         Jeremy Olexa
>         ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> yes, It took me  more than half  an hour  to compile it from source
> last night,  um....;--(
>         Maybe you should also
>         # emerge -av gentoolkit
>         # revdep-rebuild
>         HTH,
>         Matthias
> thank you for your help anyway, I already have gentoolkit installed, I
> noticed the revdep-rebuild fix a lib file regarding to my nvidia
> driver, I don't think it has any importance.
> still have that problem...
> well, a lot of wierd problems after I come back to gentoo.. seems much
> work to do. ;-(
> PS: for now, I guess the problem is caused by some shared objects or
> libs with wrong version, e.g. gcc.  try to change a gcc profile....
Did you recently switched to a different version of gcc ?

I upgraded  gcc to version 3.4.5, but still use previous gcc 3.3.6 profile.
not switch actually.

Does firefox write anything to the terminal after crashing ?

nothing, I also tried to start firefox through "strace", It stoped at
"waitpid" system call, did not write anything after crashing.
I've heard somebody compiling firefox with debug infomation, but I don't know
how to use that~.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

I use Windows at office, so, have to test it at night, ..

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