On Saturday 17 June 2006 02:53, Mick wrote:
> Yep, it works a treat (other than setting up email - it opens FF).  It is
> masked because it is a new ebuild.  If no bugs are reported it'll become
> stable within a month.
> Any idea how to set it up to open Kmail?

It uses the BROWSER environment variable if it exists to pick a browser to 
which it sends a mailto: link containing all the info to compose a mail in 
the composer that the browser uses to handle mailto. Hope that makes 
sense. :)

Konqueror will use kmail by default. 

$ BROWSER=konqueror googleearth

You may also edit the googleearth script and add BROWSER=whatever at the top 
or you may put it into your global environment like this:

# echo BROWSER=whatever >> /etc/env.d/90browser && env-update && \
        source /etc/profile

Bo Andresen

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