I want to be able to use an international keyboard layout in X.
Something like the Apple U.S. layout would be really nice, but the U.S.
English Alternative International would do me fine for the moment.

The trouble is that I don't know how to get at all those extra
characters and diacritics. The Gnome keyboard preferences has a tab for
"layout options", but I don't have much clue what all the options mean.
Is the euro key or the accute accent deadkey to be accessed by switching
"group" or do I need to choose the "third level"? Or should I use "alt"
as "alt" and not as "meta", whatever that means (I know it has something
to do with emacs, but after that I'm lost). I have tried various
combinations of this and that, but I can't get anything to work.

Many thanks
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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