Tero Grundström wrote:
On Sat, 1 Jul 2006, krgn wrote:


I am looking for a programm that I can practice 10 finger typing for gentoo/linux. Does anyone have a recommendation, or is there even one in portage? Does it make sense what I would like to say?

I know only one - gtypist. It's a console program. I've had it installed for a long time but never actually used it since I already can type pretty well. I should practice more to reduce errors though ;)

Oh wait.. I just checked out the gtypist homepage and found there a long list of free typing tutors: http://www.gnu.org/software/gtypist/
Don't know how many of these are in portage though.


great! that's what I was looking for, ktouch is probably cool but needs kdelibs, which take too long too compile :)

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