Roy Wright wrote:
James wrote:
Ah, that brings up a follow up question. If many of the ebuild packages
have built in documentation, then is there a tool/package/web_interface
that allow the document perusal without individual(admin) interaction?
For example, man pages are auto loaded and ready with 'man <subject>' so I'd be
interested in any similiar doc system for xml, html, doc* ....

It seems like quite often I have to go on a search expedition for docs....

Is there a gentoo standard or a wiki related to this subject?
This is an interesting question. To my knowledge we have man pages, info pages, application and upstream documentation, but no unified access tool. The closest would be
beagle (I haven't looked a beagle since 0.0.10).

It should be possible to index man pages, info pages, and the contents of installed applications. Maybe even throw in ebuild elog messages and google search...

Once indexed, then pretty much any style of front-end could be added.

Need to think about this.

Have fun,

Sorry, resending with a subject.

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