On Sun, 2006-08-20 at 17:30 -0500, Michael Sullivan wrote:
> Awhile back my wife asked me to add Windows 98 SE to the operating
> systems on her computer (Gentoo and WinXP) so that she could play old
> games that we couldn't get to work in Linux with wine.  She attempted to
> boot into Windows XP today, but got an error message:
> NTLDR is missing
> Press any key to continue

'98 believes it's the only OS in the entire world, and sets up the MBR
on the boot disk to suit itself, so you need to put it back.

Boot off the XP install disk, start the recovery option (not sure of the
name right now, but it's obvious what it is from the menu), and run
FIXBOOT from the prompt. That should put XP right.

Then boot normally, and make sure grub.conf/menu.1st have the correct
entries for the MS OSes. Something like:

        title WindowsXP
        root  (hd0,1)
        chainloader +1

Adjust the root entry to suit the partitions used by each Windows OS as
per normal grub rules. Everything should be back to normal. If you are
unlucky enough to have run FIXMBR from XP, then you need to reinstall
grub onto the MBR to get your usual boot loader back. Boot off any old
LiveCD and run grub-install. After booting back into Linux you can then
run the gentoo version of grub-install to restore things exactly as they


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