On Sun, 2006-08-20 at 22:35 +0800, Stephen Liu wrote:
> Hi folks,
> About creating /etc/fstab


> Whether following entries are correct ?


> /dev/vg/usr  /mnt/gentoo/usr  ext3  noatime  0 1

This one (and the other 4 LVM entries) should follow this format:

/dev/vg/usr   /usr   ext3   noatime  0 2

If you mount them at /mnt/gentoo then they are not in the right place to
do their correct function. Just remove the /mnt/gentoo part from each
(you do mount them there during the install process, but it's not their
final location). 

The two numbers at the end should be '0 1' for the partition mounted
at /, all other disk partitions get '0 2'. Mounts that are not real disk
partitions (/proc, tmpfs, swap, etc) are 0. See 'man 5 fstab' for
deatils. The first digit relates to a very old piece of software
(dump/restore) that is effectively obsolete.


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