On Thu, 7 Sep 2006, A. R. wrote:

 2. Whilst I appreciate the courtesy (!), posts are more likely to stand
 and therefore be read, if they have a more "on-topic" subject line than
 "hello", or some such. For example, a better one for this thread might be
 "how to unmask packages?" or even just "amd64?".

Well, and elegantly said.

Hear hear. I routinely ignore posts with vague topics like "hello" or "can i
ask a question" or even "i have a problem". I get a couple hundred messsages a
day, and I filter on subjects. If the original poster can't be bothered to
summarize the post in the subject line, well then, I probably won't read it.

The only reason I'm reading this post is by accident :-)

I do recognize that it's a learned skill, and I appreciate replies like A.R.'s
to help educate newcomers. I might be accused of putting too much info in my
subject, but I figure it's helpful to those who wish to skip it.

Good luck everyone, in finding the posts you wish, and the answers to your

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