Timothy A. Holmes wrote:
> [Timothy A. Holmes] 
> I am leaving my office in a moment to put the 2006.1 disk in a server to
> start a fresh build (it's a standby server and I can afford to have it
> off line for a day or 2) specifically to avoid having to do the gcc4
> upgrade.  Ive done one so far and it took me 5 days and nearly cost me
> my laptop -- and I followed the gentoo guide specifically.  There has
> GOT to be a better way.  Sadly I cant take each of my servers offline to
> do upgrade them this way -- some I will have to risk on the GCC upgrade,
> but for now im avoiding it like the plague.
> Tim
> Timothy A. Holmes
> IT Manager / Network Admin / Web Master / Computer Teacher
> Medina Christian Academy
> A Higher Standard...
> Jeremiah 33:3
> Jeremiah 29:11
> Esther 4:14

This coming from a person that has a lot of bad luck.  I did the gcc
upgrade and it seemed to work fine here.  I found a script on the forums
that seemed to work better than emerge -e world.  I had a few packages
that failed due to my settings but they after getting the USE flags set
correctly, they worked fine.  I have changed my profile to 2006.1 while
I was at it.

Maybe you have something complicated since you are running servers but
it seemed to work here.  I was amazed that mine went so well.


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