
On Tue, 12 Sep 2006 18:21:44 -0700 Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm using the modeline from this link:
> http://www.sput.nl/hardware/tv-x.html
> and my xorg.conf looks like this:
> Section "Monitor"
>         Identifier "monitor1"
>         Modeline "736x485i" 14.16 736 760 824 904 485 491 496 525
> interlace -hsync -vsync
> EndSection
> [...]
> When I try to open an xfce4 desktop like this, the image is somewhat
> scrambled and constantly rolls on the TV.  It looks normal on a
> monitor with the same settings.

OK, that "rolling" is bad sync.

> /var/log/Xorg.0.log reports this:
> (II) I810(0): monitor1: Using default hsync range of 28.00-33.00 kHz

That's the culprit. You need to override defaults (TVs don't usually
have DDC, such no automatic detection) for hsync/vsync. Add a
"HorizSync" line to your xorg.conf:

Section "Monitor"
        HorizSync 19.00-20.00

Note that "VertRefresh" probably hasn't to be set, since its default is

> (II) I810(0): Not using mode "736x485i" (unknown reason)

Hm, I can not explain why this would be "unknown", though. For me, this
seems like another case of "hsync out of range"...

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